Online Transliteration

Transliterates text from Cyrillic to Latin script.
Convert to:
Replace other characters:

The online transliteration service is a free service for translating Russian letters into Latin script. Also, in our service, you can specify all the necessary settings for transliteration. Such as upper and lower case, replacing other characters with dashes, hyphens, or spaces, and also removing repeating replacement characters at the edges. The main difference of our service is that the translation remains human-readable and easily readable, and you do not need to download and install separate programs for this.

Why is transliteration needed

Translit is most often needed for translating names and surnames for international passports, driver's licenses, or other documents. Transliteration will also be useful for translating website links into SEO-friendly URLs (human-readable page addresses) in Latin script, so that a person can easily remember the page address and understand which section of the site they are currently on, this improves convenience for the user and provides good site ranking in search, which is often used by WEB masters. Also, most programs for creating tables and entering data into the database work with Latin script, such programs may simply not perceive Cyrillic or display it incorrectly. Do not confuse translation and translit - the transliterator only changes Cyrillic letters to Latin, without changing the meaning and pronunciation of the word, in other words, it does not translate them into another language.

How to transliterate letters using our service

  1. Insert the necessary text into the "text" field
  2. Select the required functions such as converting to upper and lower case, replacing other characters with hyphens and underscores
  3. Set the necessary checkboxes to remove repeating replacement characters
  4. Click "transliterate"
  5. Copy the text from the "result" block