Color converter from RGB to HEX

Converts color code from decimal to hexadecimal.
Example: 255,128,0 → #ff8000.
Result in HEX format:
Result palette:

Online color converter from decimal to hexadecimal.

In fact, both the first and second options are RGB (abbreviation of the English words Red, Green, Blue), the first is represented in decimal form, and the second in hexadecimal. It just so happens that no one searches for the phrase «Convert color from decimal to hexadecimal» in search, it's lazy to write. Most users search for the phrase «RGB to HEX».

Under the RGB format in this online color converter, it is assumed to be the representation of the color value in decimal in CSS, for example rgb(255, 0, 0) or rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5). The HEX format implies the representation of the color value in hexadecimal, for example #FF0000 or #00FF007F (by the way, the option where the alpha channel is set, the 7th and 8th characters after the hash, in hexadecimal representation, does not work in all browsers).